solutions week 22

April 20, 2008 at 6:30 pm | Posted in Diet and Exercise, solutions | 22 Comments

Saturday– I went on a hike.  Well, indoor hike.  43 minutes on the treadmill at a 6.0 incline.  Talk about sweat!

Friday– Isn’t it amazing how a little exercise can change your whole perspective. Love that! Today at the gym I did the stair climber for 20 minutes and the elliptical for 15 minutes. In the weight room I did walking lunges and abs on the decline bench.  Finished eating at 7pm and then I went on a 30 minute walk.

Thursday– Back in the swing of things. I ran 3-11 minute miles…3 miles in 33 minutes. After that I grabbed a big exercise ball and did abs, decline push-ups, squats and reverse tricepts. Finished eating at 6:30pm.

Wednesday– Crazy busy day. At least I was finished eating at 6:30pm. I think the Lord is preparing me to send my kids to kindergarten in the fall, they are driving me crazy!

Tuesday– Missed my gym due to appointments and felt sluggish all afternoon. Dinner was finished at 6:10pm. We went on a family walk and then I hopped on the treadmill and did a 2 mile walk at 3.5 speed with a 6.0 incline, talk about sweat. It took 35 minutes. Now that my body is finally revved up, I feel like walking again before hitting the sofa for American Idol.

Monday– Went to the gym this morning and ran 3 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. After that I went into the weight room for triceps and abs, one-legged squats and push-ups, and a two more sets of abs.

This afternoon my kids asked if we could go in the garage so I could go on the treadmill and they could watch more Star Wars. So I walked for 30 minutes at 3.0 with a 6.0 incline.

Sunday– Here’s a photo of me today. I’m 5’4″ and weigh 147 pounds. I’ve seen a 10 pound weight loss and my cholesterol drop 50 points since starting to make better diet and exercise solutions. I’m 35 years old.

I enjoy all types of food without guilt (including all kinds of desserts). What I’ve noticed…the foods that were once off limits are not an obsession anymore. The chocolate and chips and cookies don’t call my name from the kitchen. I don’t feel the compulsion to binge eat anymore because I know I get to eat it again, tomorrow if I want. And if something isn’t good, I don’t just mindlessly eat it, I toss it, because it know it’s not worth it.

This week my goals are about the same:

  • Cardio 5 days a week.
  • Strength train 3 days a week.
  • Walk after dinner.
  • No eating after 7pm.
  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup.
  • Avoid hydrogenated fats.

I’ve received some fun awards over the past few weeks!

Thanks to Gretchen of Canela y Camino for the You Make My Day Award! Gretchen and I were roommates in 1994. She has seen me at my worst and best and has been a constant source of encouragement. Love you girl!

I am passing the You Make My Day award on to Couch Cubicle. She is hilarious and always makes me smile! Also receiving this award is More to Love. Allison is totally authentic and totally relate-able. Finally Picky Fingers. Her mom-ism stories are great and always leave a smile on my face.

Thanks to Megan of Megans Cookin for the E is for Excellent Award! Megan was one of the first food bloggers that I fell in love with. I am so inspired by her cake decorating and continue to be impressed by her recipes.

I would like to share this award of Excellence to Allison at More to Love, Colette at Colette’s Bakery and Angela at Angela Chandler Photography.

Thanks to Dianne of Dianne’s Dishes for the Blog of Distinction Award! Dianne amazes me with her photos of fresh food. Check out her garden link, I am more inspired than envious, and hope to plant on day.

I would like to share the Blog of Distinction award with Kate of Books and Bakes, Aimee of Under the High Chair and Lori of The Recipe Girl.

My final word of thanks is to Robin of Big Red Kitchen for the Blogging with a Purpose Award! Her photos and food creations are amazing. I love her kitchen and the food that comes out of it.

I am passing this Blogging with a Purpose award on to Gretchen of Canela & Comino; Kath of Kath Eats Real Food; Allison of More to Love; Angela of Angela Chandler’s Photography and Megan of Megans Cookin.

To all of the winners…congratulations! Now, go share the love, pass on an award, and make someone’s day!


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  1. Wow! This is so awesome! I love you mindset, and it’s so neat to hear about your progress. Having a healthy lifestyle is definitely a lot easier said than done. I also strive to avoid trans fats and HFCS, but I definitely am not perfect by any means. It’s neat that we have blogs as a community for support, because reading posts like your’s today really is motivating and inspirational! Thank you!

    Oh and your baking has been looking fab! I’m always so impressed by your creations! I wish I could make things that pretty!

  2. Congratulations on your weightloss and your award!!

    I agree with you with regards to “off limits” foods. If I don’t have cookies in my house, or chips, I don’t think about it anymore. I crave things like fruit more often than not.

  3. Congrats on all the awards yourself! You always make my day! Thanks for passing them on, you’re awesome :), and I feel very special!

  4. Fabulous! You look FABULOUS! You inspire me, K.

  5. Congrats on all of your awards! You’re such an inspiration to… well… do better! And you look terrific!

    Thanks so much for passing along the distinction award. That’s very kind of you 🙂

  6. good for you! i have nothing but respect for folks who make a decision to improve their health and lives in general, and you’re doing it splendidly! keep up the great work! 🙂

  7. Thanks for the shout out Karen!!! Congrats on your continued health success!!!

  8. Aaahhhh, thanks! You are so sweet! 1994? That was 14 years ago. AGH! You are looking great and your mindset is the most important thing. Fantastic job!

  9. Thanks for the award Karen! What a great way to start a Monday 🙂 And you always inspire me to do better.

  10. Thanks for the awards Karen! They really did brighten my crazy monday morning! I love your blog, and always appreciate your words on mine.

  11. Thanks so much for the award, Karen!! You are such an inspiration to me! Your weightloss is excellent and your healthy mind is even more admirable.

    Today at Costco I was very tempted to get an ice cream and I thought to myself, “would Karen?” and then I thought, “No, she’d probably make some from scratch and throw in some carrots or spinach to make it healthy.” Then I got grossed out and just kept walking past it. So thanks for helping me avoid temptation. Thanks for all your kind comments. Thanks for all your encouragement!

  12. Good for you! Onward!

  13. Your awesome, and you look gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing the award! And 50 points on you cholesterol? Good for you! I’ve got naturally high cholesterol from my dad, I’ve done everything, I eat healthy…it just won’t go down. Oh well…I’m not going to think about how it’ll be as I get older! >.<
    I think it’s great how you’re not putting desserts and such off limit. Life should be enjoyable!

  14. You look beautiful. Good for you!

  15. How awesome for you! You look great!

  16. You look awesome! Also, you look like you are in your twenties!!!

  17. Thanks everyone!

    Jen- you crack me up!

    Medena- the camera is too far away to pick up my wrinkles, gray hair, and age spots.

  18. Awesome work! You go girl!!

  19. “…preparing me to send my kids to kindergarten in the fall, they are driving me crazy!” LOL! THE LORD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS!

  20. thanks! You look great in that picture!

  21. Hey, thanks so much for the award! I am honored for the mention. Thanks for reading!

  22. Congratulations! You look fabulous! I love that you’ve listed your goals. It’s very inspiring.

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