solutions week 7

January 8, 2008 at 3:04 am | Posted in solutions | 4 Comments

I’ve been away but am home now and ready to get back into the swing of things. My waist size is measuring 31 1/4 inches. Happy to say I made it though the holidays slightly smaller than I started. Back on November 9th I measured my waist at 32 3/4 inches.

Here’s what I’ve been doing and will keep doing:

  • Go to the gym 4 days this week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
  • No eating after 7pm
  • Go for a walk after dinner
  • Drink water
  • No mindless eating while reading the newspaper

With all of my yo-yo dieting, I am very hesitant to make drastic changes to my eating habits during the day. This is all about making small changes over time that I can live with for the rest of my life.

I’ve been eating Kath’s Oatmeal Pancake most mornings and top it with either blueberries or a mashed banana. The big commitment decision this week, avoiding foods with hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils. I am picking this item first only because it’s the first item listed on Dr. Oz and Dr. Roisen’s list of Five Ingredients to Avoid.

Bye Bye Coffee Mate Creamer, Hello Skim Milk.dsc_0001-small.jpg

Monday– Gym Day #1. Elliptical for 35 minutes. Then leg press, lunges, abs and incline push-ups. Dinner was finished at 5:50pm and then I went on a 29 minute walk.

Tuesday– Gym Day #2. Treadmill for 35 minutes. I did a combination of walking and running. Dinner was finished at 6:15pm and then I went on a 30 minute walk.

I love what Couch Cubicle said, “even healthy stuff… is bad for you if you eat it all day long”. So true! Thanks for the reminder!

Wednesday– Gym Day #3. Elliptical for 35 minutes. Then arms and abs. Dinner was finished at 6:15pm and then I went on a 25 minute walk. I had my piece of cake around 4pm, and I’m done for the night.

Thursday– Gym Day #4. Truthfully, gym day at home, but I got in a 40 minute run/walk on our treadmill.  It took me a while to find my pace, but finally at 25 minutes I started in on my last run and just kept going.  It felt great.  We finished dinner at 6pm and then I went on a 25 minute walk.

Cake update:  Yes, that cake is still in the home.  I’ve had two slices, one yesterday and one today.  And I’m done now.  I don’t need any more.  And I don’t really want any more either.

Friday I’ll be substitute teaching, so I’ll be on my feet most of the day.  My plan is to walk around the classroom…I should get a pedometer.

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