Steel Cut Oatmeal

January 24, 2008 at 3:24 am | Posted in breakfast | 6 Comments
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My sad container of Steel Cut Oatmeal sat at the back of my cupboard for months and months…until last night. “Put it in the crockpot” my foodie friend, Rebecca, said. Genius!

No more stirring, no more simmering, no more standing over a pot of steel cut oatmeal…who has time for that?

Crock Pot Steel Cut Oatmeal

1. Coat your crockpot with non-stick cooking spray.

2. Add four cups of water, stir in 1 cup of steel cut oats.

3. On low, cook for 8-10 hours.

4. In the morning, take the lid off, give it a stir, put the lid back on, wait 10 minutes, stir again, and enjoy the creamy goodness.

5. Now it’s all ready for mixing in all your favorites. I added some cinnamon, apples and a bit of non-fat milk to mine.


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