solutions week 8

January 15, 2008 at 10:54 am | Posted in Diet and Exercise, solutions | 1 Comment

I am in need of a little inspiration. Still, I’m staying on course.

Keeping to the simple things that I can continue to do during my lifetime.

  • No eating after 7pm
  • Gym 3 days this week plus two treadmill days
  • Walk after dinner most nights
  • No mindless eating while reading the newspaper
  • Drink water
  • Avoid foods with hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils

I found hydrogenated oils in our Skippy Peanut Butter, butter spread, and Coffee Mate coffee creamer. I can find another peanut butter and butter spread…but my coffee mate? I’ve lost any and all joy from a nice hot cup of coffee. The non-fat milk and splenda packet aren’t cutting it. I love a tall non-fat one splenda latte from Starbucks, but I really don’t need to be in there every day. There must be something I can do…

Monday– Treadmill for 30 minutes of brisk walking. Dinner was finished at 6:20pm.

Tuesday– Gym Day #1. Elliptical for 35 minutes then leg squats, lunges and abs. Tammy, thanks for the coffee tip. I got these little vanilla splenda packets, not bad for 0 calories.


Finished up dinner and eating at 6:20pm and then went on a 30 minute walk.

Wednesday– Gym Day #2 I did the Treadmill for 35 minutes. Started with a 15 minute run, then 3 minute walk, 8 minute run, 3 minute walk, 5 minute run, cool down.

Tonight I finished dinner and eating at 6pm and walked for 30 minutes.

Thursday– Gym Day #3 StairMaster StairMill for 15 minutes then 20 minutes on the elliptical. Not much time for weight training this week, maybe some strength training while watching Greys Anatomy tonight.

Finished eating dinner at 7pm, late for us! Then I went on a 40 minute walk. I decided not to strength train tonight because I worked in the yard for almost 2 hours this afternoon.

Friday-Finished dinner and eating at 6pm.  Then I went on a 35 minute walk.

Today I had a revelation while I was mindlessly eating, “I wouldn’t be eating this if I were blogging everything I ate”.  Of course, I finished eating, this time mindfully.

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